Are you looking for a safe, fun, out-of-doors, economical family event? Enjoy the Vintage Fire Museum’s annual Muster on Saturday, September 20. A “muster” is a firefighter celebration for displaying equipment and skills. It is fun.
Here are a few of the features of this year’s Muster:
- At 11:00 a parade of fire trucks (some of them beautiful vintage trucks) will go on Spring Street from the Museum south to Chestnut. Fire departments and private owners are invited to bring their fire trucks and join in the parade. Assembly begins at 10:15. Cheer for your favorite. And after the short parade, enjoy the shops of downtown Jeffersonville.
- From 11:30 until 2:00 gather outdoors at the Museum (723 Spring Street) to purchase an economical hot dog lunch and to buy something at the “swap meet.” (No fee to set up a table and sell things.) Take a look inside the Museum (half-price that day) at the amazing displays.
- At 2:00 head to the Jeffersonville riverfront to watch some vintage fire trucks pump water far out into the river. Free. It’s special. Then head back to the Museum to take in anything you missed. Soft drinks and snacks will be available. The Museum will be open until 4:00.