Fire Safety Education

Statistics bring out the importance of fire safety education: In 2009 there were 356,200 home fires in this country resulting in 2,480 deaths, 12,600 injuries, and a monetary loss of over $7 billion (FEMA).

The need is brought out even better through examples of fire-related tragedies from New Albany-Floyd County in the past several years: A child playing with a lighter cause a fire in public housing. Three children died and a fourth was injured in a fire in a apartment on Spring street. Three preschool children were killed in a fire on Vance Avenue. Using information gained from fire safety instruction, an 11 year old noticed a strange light in his home and awakened his family and told them to leave the premises before calling 911.

New safety education rooms have been added in 2021. Special presentations are made for children including school groups, pre-school groups, and families. Emphasis is placed on safe escape in case of a fire and on hazards to avoid.

The Vintage Fire Museum and Safety Education Center offers tours and videos especially designed for children. Emphasis is placed on fire safety. Children are able to get on one of the trucks and to ring the bell and also crank the siren.